Spirits and those members of the Great Unseen - whether they are God-Forms, Angels, Astral Beings or other associates of the 'Upstairs Team' send messages to those on the earth in various ways. Some of these ways are particularly subtle in a 'blink and you'll miss the action' capacity. If you start looking out for signs, symbols and omens then you will come across them eventually. As an example, some people believe that finding a white feather is a personal sign from the angels themselves and this well could be the case depending on your viewpoint.
These types of messages, at the end of the day, are very personal to an individual and will mean different things to different people. For example - Some may just see fallen leaves on the ground, whilst to another, the fallen leaves may show a figure, or a pattern, or a picture that stimulates an idea or a memory and so helps that particular individual in some way in a part of their daily lives. This is the way the divination works.
Above is a video that was actually done on 17th January 2017 - something new for the New Year. Notice the double seven by the way in the date. So what do we know about seven? Well in Christianity seven was a Holy number because Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament in the Bible states that God rested on the seventh day after creating man on the sixth day.
To find another number of interest - add one and seven, plus one (for January) plus two, plus one. plus seven
1+7+1+2+1+7 = 19
1+9 = 10
1+0 =1
One means something like All-One-Ness, The World, The All-There-Is, Ego, as in - I am -
Cogito Ergo Sum - I think therefore I am - so, the message here from this second set of numbers could be seen as drawing upon individual strengths and remaining true to one's self and one's own intuition rather than looking to the group mind for answers on this occasion.