Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Vril - Tuning In And Picking Up Psychic Messages Through The Hair

Some years ago now, my daughter started picking up messages through her hair, as was done by the Vril Priestesses. We had never heard of Vril at the time and could not understand why she was getting foreign languages coming through when she gently twiddled her hair.  One of the words that came through was 'Kundi' which we had never heard of before until we looked it up and used it in a song.
Vril is an energy source like chi or prana.

What's It Like To work In Psychic Preservation?

It is very annoying when non believers mock those who do psychic work - the celebrity psychics being the exception of course. We have to listen to politicians and the like spouting nonsense every day of the week on the news or we have the supercilious who smirk at psychic work- feeling very superior. No one can prove God exists but millions believe in him and swear that he does. It would be a boring old existence if people were only here for one ride and there was no-one upstairs to listen to us when we needed help - a bit of a travesty really.

Making Thought-Forms Real

Thought-Forms can be produced in such a way as to actually formulate a reality on the etherical planes. If you create something and then constantly give it attention - it eventually actually takes on an actual animus all of its own. Obviously this takes proactive. My daughter has created a good number of very real thought forms. In fact we have a box of  her jewellery and she put a thought-form in to each one - a very strong thought form in fact - it is a family of vampires - each item is carefully named and has a place in their family hierarchy.

Tom Slemen's Timeslips

Tom Slemen's Haunted Liverpool series is very good. I have read all the ones I could get hold of that were new, including his other Weird Tales books/. He is very fond generally of writing about time-slips. He also seems to have a good knowledge of physics.I have really thrown my daughter in at the deep end with these videos because I generally tell her to watch and learn. She is not a youngster any more and hasn't been for several years, but the occult is a vast and complicated subject so popping in at the difficult end is sometimes good.

The Mystical And Warning Crow

Crows have long been believed to be birds who carry omens. They are thought to be sinister most likely because of their large dark form....